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  • D-Dimer FIA
    D-Dimer FIA
    Intended Use

    The D-Dimer FIA is a fluorescence immunochromatography intended for the quantitative detection of D-dimer (D-Dimer) in human whole blood or plasma. 

    Whole Blood, Plasma

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    Product Features
  • Quantitative detection, high sensitivity.
  • Instant result at 15 minutes.
  • Results can show the measured.
  • Suitable for large-scale rapid screening.
  • Product Information
    Catalog No.SpecificationsFormatSpecimenReading TimeStorage ConditionShelf LifeCertification
    CfDDg00225 tests/boxCassette

     Whole Blood, Plasma

    15 minutes

    4-30℃12 monthsCE

    This product cannot be sold in the United States.

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