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    MEDIC EAST AFRICA 2024| Looking forward to meeting you at Kenya!

    Date : 2024.02.22

    Medic East Africa is the largest healthcare and medical laboratory event in East Africa.  Medic East Africa, the largest annual gathering of the most influential decision makers, suppliers, distributors, manufacturers and organisations from the healthcare, pharmaceutical and medical laboratory industry in the East African region is held annually in Nairobi.

    Hangzhou Clongene Biotech will attend the exhibition from September 04-06, 2024. We can't wait to see you at the 1.G25!

    肯尼亚展位图 MEA2024_Floor Plan_2023 12.01(1) - 副本(2)-01.jpg


    Time : 04-06, September, 2024

    Venue : Kenyatta International Exhibition Centre (KICC)

    Booth Number :1.G25